In Memory Of

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John Joseph Winkler
Seneca, Kansas
11/30/1880 - 03/18/1948
John J. Winkler, 67 years, 3 months, 18 days of Seneca died March 18, 1948 after he succumbed to a fall, he had previous.
John Joseph Winkler, son of Barney and Anna Mary Wempe Winkler, was born on November 30, 1880, a farm in the fidelity neighbor. When still a boy he came to Seneca with his parents and lived for a number of years on the farm east of Seneca.
November 2, 1902 he was married to Rosa Della Aziere, the nuptials taking place in Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Seneca. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Winkler lived one year in Jewell County, then returned here and purchased a farm in the community north of Kelly, whish was their home for 30 years. Four sons were born to them, Francis now of Blaine, Wilfred of Herrington, Lawrence and Donald both of Seneca. After Mr. Mrs. Winkler left the farm, they lived two years at Centralia and then returned to Seneca and then Mrs., Winkler passe away on May 27, 1937.Since Mrs. Winkler’s death, Mr. Winkler worked as a farm hand ad as a carpenter and a painter. The past ten years he had made his home most of the time with his son, Lawrence.
Mr. Winkler had a fall last September while trimming trees at the Ben Wichman home in Seneca, and received a painful injury, was in a cast for a time and was wearing a brace at the time of his death.
John was a good working man, a friendly man and helpful neighbor.
Besides hi sons mention above Mr. Winkler leaves six grandchildren, four brothers, Charles and henry Winkler Colorado Springs, Barney Winkler of Kelly and Will Winkler of Wetmore and one sister Mrs. Elizabeth Schneider of Seneca. Two sisters and two brothers preceded him in death.
The Requiem Mass was Saturday morning at 9:30 A.M. at Sts. Peter and Paul church in Seneca by Fr. Michael Carroll. The burial was in the church Cemetery next to his wife.

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